On this world of super opportunities on your hand everybody can express themself and have a voice that can be heard all over.

I'm thankful for having this window to you and to the world but, a great power comes with a great responsability, or in this case: great opportunities comes with great competition.

Competition for your attention, competition for a spot to show that we are a great artists or performers, or workers (well you got the idea)

For that reason me, and many artists around the world look up for the best way to get the spot.
Some share their process, make live videos, create instagram reels, we are turning into this multi discipline artists just to show our craft and got your attention.

I know some people would say: Hey! you say that becuase you are not as good artist as you must to get the attention of the people! nothing farther of the truth.

In this 21 century is not enough! yes, been a good digital or traditional painter, illustrator or designer is needed, but we need to work to get the spot.

What do you do to get it? I constantly do things to get it, and I think I'm getting just a litle of it's light, maybe finally I'm learning.

Did you get your spot already?

Oh! by the way, here are the sketches for coming posts, also they keep a surprise! stay in tune if you want to know what am I talking about. 😉


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